Content pages edition

Anatomy of a content page

Every page has two parts:

  • The front matter
  • The content

Front matter

Your pages should begin with a front matter header, containing meta-data in YAML format, surrounded by ---.

title: My page title
description: This is my page description!
    - cool
    - site

## Some headings

And some content here...

Markdown content

Page content should be written in Markdown.

Front matter parameters

Name Type Default Notes
title String None
short_title String None A short version of the title (useful for menus…)
long_title String None A long version of the title (SEO?)
description String None A few words about the page. Typically used for HTML <meta name="description">.
keywords List None Typically used for HTML <meta name="keywords">.
template String "page.html" The template VictorPy 0.1.32 should use to render the page.
tags String [] A list of tags, used to generate the site tags index.
draft Boolean False If True, the page will be skipped when generating the site.
position Number 0 The position of the page in it's section menu.
date Date None