
Bootstrapping a VictorPy 0.1.32 site is very easy:

  1. Create a directory for your site.
  2. Create a config.yaml file in it.
  3. Ready to write content!

The config file

All your static site configuration is held by the config.yaml file.

Yaml format – The config file is written using Yaml formating language. See Yaml official doc for further informations.


title: "My site"
base_url: ""


VictorPy 0.1.32 uses a bunch of default parameters to build your site:

Name Type Default Notes
actions_dir_name String "actions" The directory containing custom actions to trigger via hooks.
amazon_id String None If defined, used by the amazon shortcode.
base_url String ""
build_dir_name String "public" The directory where generated files should be written
content_dir_name String "content" The directory containing your source markdown content files.
debug Boolean False When True, adds page context infos in the browser console and source file opening button.
enable_shortcodes Boolean True
enable_headers_id Boolean True
hooks Dict {} A hash of hooks. See Hooks doc.
image String "default.jpg" A default image illustrating your site. File should be located in /static/images/.
port Number 5000 The port number of the live server.
routes Dict {...} A hash containing some special routes. See Routes doc.
static_dir_name String "static" Your CSS/JS… files directory.
templates_dir_name String "templates" The directory where VictorPy 0.1.32 should find user defined templates.
title String ""

Additional parameters

In addition, you can provide extra parameters.

Each parameter will be added to every page context, allowing you to use it within your templates and shortcodes.


title: "My site"
base_url: ""

my_param: "Yeah!"
another_one: 123