Data available in templates


In every template, VictorPy 0.1.32 provides you with a lot of data about:

  • The page
  • The site

This dataset is called the page context.

Every parameters you defined in a content page front matter is available in the page context.

For example, let say we have a content page


title: My page title
something: This is something!

Some **content** here…

In the template, you have an access to every parameter, so you can do:


The title of this page is {{ title }}, and here is something: {{ something }}

{{ content }}

When rendering, you should get:

The title of this page is My page title, and here is something: This is something!

Some <strong>content</strong> here…

The page dict

In addition to your own parameters, VictorPy 0.1.32 will populate you context with some extra stuff:

Name Type Notes
unique_id Number A unique identifier for the page.
shortest_title String The shortest title between title and short_title.
longest_title String The longest title between title and long_title.
breadcrumb List[Dict] A list of mini-contexts of the pages in this page breadcrumb path.
content String The HTML rendered version of your markdown source.
permalink String
url String Relative URL of the page.
slug String
section_pages List[Dict] A list of mini-contexts of all the pages of current section (ordered by position).
section_page Dict The mini-context of the index of this page's section index.
section_sections List[Dict] A list of mini-contexts of all the subsections of this page section parent, i.e. a list of this page section brothers (ordered by position).
sub_sections List[Dict] A list of mini-contexts of all the subsections of this page (ordered by position).
is_section_index Boolean
site Dict The site dict: see below.

Mini-context – A mini-context is a dict containing a restricted set of a page context. It is used in the list of pages (i.e. section_pages, sub_sections…).

The site dict

In addition to page data, you can access site wide data in every template.

Name Type Notes
site.base_url String
site.engine String The version of the build engine.
site.render_id String A unique id, refreshed every time the site is rendered.
site.root_sections List[Section] A list of all root sections of this site, i.e. sections which has no parent.
site.title String

Note: your can define other site constants in the config file to make them available in every page.